First impressions – a rhetorical crash course

First impressions – a rhetorical crash course

Research shows that first impressions last. Maybe not forever, but at least for a long time. In the very first minutes of a first meeting, our brains will quickly and automatically ascribe specific personality traits to the new person across from us. Therefore, taking charge of our first impression is key in relation building and obtaining some specific tools can make the first meeting easier.

In this seminar, Ph.D. and Leadership- and communication coach i EY, Heidi Jønch-Clausen, will let us in on how we through efficient self-presentation, energizing small-talk, open body language and active listening can appear as the person we are – or would like to be.

Read more about first impressions here:

Studying First Impressions: What to Consider? – Association for Psychological Science – APS



27. september 2023


15:00 - 17:00

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Dirch Passers Alle