Kick off the season in Stockholm

Kick off the season in Stockholm

At this back-to-work event Åsa Mitsell, at the Division for state owned enterprises at Regeringskansliet will share insight into the management of the state owned enterprises from a board perspective. Who knows, there might be one or several open positions to fill……

Cecilia Edström of SelectionF and Saba Saad of Feminvest will launch an initiative to match female entrepreneurs with experienced female board professionals and we will present a lot of inspiring events scheduled for this spring.

In addition to the above, there will be plenty of time for back-to-work mingle with old and new friends. The event is open to both existing and potential new members, so you are more than welcome to bring a friend, but please sign up to secure your seat.


15. januar 2024


17:30 - 20:00

More Info

Sign up


EY, Sweden
Hamngatan 26, Floor 11, Stockholm